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فنتك هو، اختصار المصطلح باللغة الانجليزية Fintech الذي يحتوي على كلمتين Financial + Technology .وهي استخدام التقنية المالية الجديدة والمغيرة في الخدمات المالية

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فنتك السعودية هي مبادرة في إطار برنامج تطوير القطاع المالي في المملكة (FSDP) ، والذي يعد جزءًا من الرؤية السعودية 2030. تدير فنتك السعودية لجنة تتألف من البنك المركزي السعودي (SAMA) وهيئة سوق المالية (CMA).

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Marketing Coordinator

منذ 1 سنة
عمل عن بعد
نوع الوظيفة
مستوى الوظيفة
مبتدئ المستوى
سنوات الخبرة
0-2 سنة

الوصف الوظيفي

  Develop strategic marketing initiatives and activities.
  Implement marketing plans that include print, broadcast and online content.
  Create branded advertising campaigns, and support the marketing and design teams by coordinating and collating content.
  Setup tracking systems for marketing campaigns and online activities.
  Conduct market research to identify marketing opportunities and negotiate media coverage.
  Traffic all advertising efforts to appropriate channels.
  Develop and manage all internal communication systems.
  Create, maintain and strengthen the organization’s overall brand through all media avenues.
  Organize and streamline service offerings into user-friendly concepts.
  Simplify complex data into a user-friendly format such as graphs, charts and other visual aids for clients and management.

What we’re looking for?

 We are looking to hire a marketing coordinator with outstanding organizational and research skills. Marketing coordinators are expected to be creative individuals with fantastic communication skills and excellent time management.

 To ensure success, marketing coordinators should be detail-oriented and have a solid understanding of marketing techniques with a keen interest in providing a consistent brand voice across all marketing activities to specific audiences. Top candidates will exhibit critical thinking skills, strong problem-solving skills and meticulous attention to detail.


 Training under an international team.
 Employment opportunity.
 Remote/ flexible hours.


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